Sunday, July 24, 2011

Grace's Shawl Ministry - Leona

I had not knit anything for about 20 years. But when the Prayer Shawl Ministry was announced I decided I would go and see what it was all about. I prefer crocheting because it produced faster results— immediate gratification. At the Shawl Ministry however, I found that suggested size 13 needles and soft textured yarn resulted in faster knitting and the same immediate gratification.

When I started attending the Shawl Ministry meetings on the first and third Saturday of the month, I also discovered that there is no requirement that you knit or crochet. You can just come and enjoy the conversation which is eclectic and interesting. Personally, I love the community feeling of the group. It’s fun and relaxing to get together.

But if you do like to knit or crochet, there are all levels proficiency from beginner to expert. I have learned a different method of casting on and starting a new skein of yarn. I have made four shawls and look forward to the fall when all the shawls are blessed and given away.

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